
Monday, May 6, 2013

I Believe

     I believe I can do anything. I'm not extraordinary, like Wolfgang who was composing by the age of five. I might not even be special, but I know if I want something, I can be unstoppable. So many times in life, we are the only thing standing in the way of our own success and dreams. We strive for things that we think ourselves capable of achieving, which is good, but usually we are capable of so much more than we know.
     A quote from one of my favorite movies, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower: "We accept the love we think we deserve." Although this is true and leads to many disastrous relationships, it applies to more than love. We accept what we think we can do, when we expect more from ourselves, more is what we receive in return. For example, I keep a constant 4.0, and people always say to me,"It's because you're smart, I wish I was smart." And they would be completely wrong, I'm just dedicated. Things don't come easy to everyone, which is obvious, but when they don't come easy, you just have to work harder. Straight A's don't come from being too tired, too busy, or just too lazy to do your work. If you really want something, it becomes a priority. Over sleep, sports, video games, etc. Of course it's not just grades, maybe what you want to do is simply be the best at something you have a passion for, music, art, athletics.
     In this day and age, there are so many paths and opportunities for every person. I don't know what I want to do, but whatever I do pick to pursue  I will do my absolute best. When I have a goal in mind, or decide what I have a passion for and where I want to set my horizon, giving up is not at option. In my personal life, I sometimes feel frustrated when I loose sight of the true meaning of success. When I fail at something I get stressed, but failing is not the same as giving up. If you are doing your absolute best, you are giving 110%, and you are getting all C's, then you are succeeding.
     Don't accept how other people measure success, by a score, a weight, a time, or a grade. Give your all at everything you do. If I feel like I can't do something I just remember, "It's alright not to know all the answers." and keep pushing forward. Perfect is fake, so don't strive for it, beauty is in the imperfections. You are invincible.

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